Smart Goose Deterrent System

Frequently Asked Questions





Sources are all over the place on this. Some say as often as every 12 minutes. Some say as much as 2 pounds a day. Others suggest these numbers are inflated. One thing for sure, geese poop too often and too much.


Geese are creatures of habit. Geese return to the same nesting and feeding grounds year after year. They generally arrive in the Spring and leave in the Fall.

Geese visit at all hours of the day. They typically visit when people are not around. Once roosted they do not leave unless encouraged.


Geese are persistent. When confronted with a deterrent, they continue to probe until they find the deterrent's weakness, then they come back.


Geese do NOT like to be sprayed with sprinklers. About the only time geese are not deterred by sprinklers is when it is raining hard and there is no escape from getting wet.


The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) is a United States federal law, first enacted in 1918, to implement a convention for the protection of migratory birds between the United States and Canada. The MBTA prohibits the take (including killing, capturing, selling, trading, and transport) of protected migratory bird species without prior authorization. Geese must NOT be harmed (but they can be harassed.)


Sprinklers are often a recommended deterrent by state and local authorities. They are considered a method of "harassment". Sprinklers are far better than other methods of harassment: loud noises, flashing lights, "tube man", ... Neighbors appreciate that you are NOT using the other methods.


SGDS treats certain animals as "friendlies". Dogs are on the list.


IR and AI are only as good as the images you feed it for identification and training. Unfortunately one cannot always guarantee clear images: lighting may be poor, the background may not provide enough contrast, there may be things in the way, ... Frankly, even the human eye has difficulty in these situations. SGDS uses additional logic to help avoid problems, but it is still not perfect.